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Home 2012 April

corporate leadership – has Coca Cola heard of embers?

Coca Cola integrates change from the core  Nothing works in isolation for business, with change impacting both individuals and organisations enormously. Coca-Cola appears to have invested in change from the core, reflecting and connecting to a point where the inner

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corporate leadership – sacrificial lambs?

Change results in components moving ahead, morphing into a state of ‘newness’.  This newness may show in new organisational behaviours, attitudes and approaches or be perceived, generating gossip and rumours of that which is yet to come.  The evolution of

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changing corporate leadership – vulnerability

Vulnerability – a 21st skill for leaders of today!  Would you agree? Vulnerability is the ability to share corporate imperfections, the desire to show that you are only human and the willingness to ask for help!  True vulnerability can be

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changing self leadership – so what should I do?

Many a time, a person can pour their heart out, expecting answers-on-demand. It’s as if there’s to be an exchange of ‘something’ within a conditional environment. It’s as if an invisible equal-value-swap exists in unwritten terms. Many of us would

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changing corporate leadership – responsibility

In today’s changing world, one priority is responsibility, equally true for self as for others. It’s time for CEOs and emerging leaders to take responsibility for their own growth, ensuring greater or realigned readiness to cope with change.  Are you,

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changing corporate leadership – core business

In business, it is all too easy to get bogged down with details. Procedures, processes, systems, quality, functionality become the priority, taking a leader away from the big picture into reactive decision-making and at times misaligned business practices. When this

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