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self change model

When considering self-development and personal change, the ‘embers’ process model will ensure that whatever efforts you go through will sustain well beyond the action itself.

the ’embers’ model in context

the core ‘embers‘ model

Each stage of the model is an essential pre-requisite to continue on to the following stage.


Reflecting upon personal change does not require action, analysis or setting targets but rather allows insights to naturally appear.

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Connecting with the core reveals information we previously did not have access to such as pertinent issues, the best action to take, the people to leave behind and how to move forward.

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Working with others throughout the change can bring the realisation that you’re not alone and you can learn from their experiences.

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The core is strong and new ideas will simply flow effortlessly, and when combined with open sharing will evolve into additional opportunities for growth.

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A desired new behaviour, habit or practice is now part of our lives and will surely sustain the ‘new state’.  …hear more


















Take the model to the next stage here