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Home Articles posted by Debbie Nicol

bonus payouts on hold for two years

They say much is discovered about leadership by what happens when one is away from an organization, out on the golf course or in the board meeting. That’s likely for one day or two, yet would it be true for

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corruption – is there really a choice?

Corruption is a corporate way of life for so many cultures, and can be found in both advanced and developing societies – it is an objective ‘what is’ when measured against an ethical, moral or legal definition.   It may be

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leadership is the REAL corporate social responsibility

Reducing carbon footprint, supporting developing nations, donating to orphanages – are these really corporate social responsibility initiatives or simply the outcomes of focussed goals? By definition, each of the words has its own individual impact …. • Corporate – at a workplace, of

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a corporate leader authors his own story!

A corporation will be a mirror image of the leadership, the leadership persona and the leadership’s consistency with passion for a new and improved world! This passion and clarity stems from a voice within, knowing that which is important, demonstrating

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the challenge to change

Most change is challenged – that’s obvious when corporate mergers, realignment, product diversification, automation, leadership changes and general upgrading are observed. That’s the effect, so what is the cause?  Publication after publication provide in-depth and scientific reasons ranging from what’s

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trust – a priceless commodity?

What matters most to you? It might be timeliness, transparency, meaning and clarity or a myriad of other virtues to value. Whichever it is for you, it will only positively contribute and hence build trust when you visibly, actively and

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the message or the messenger?

When our backbone is aligned, we walk tall, freely and with no hesitation.  We have balance, see far and wide and can respond to any unexpected influence swiftly and efficiently.  With recent recessionary impact being described by some as ‘unexpected

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he cant afford to leave

I hear these words all too often about corporate leadership today – ‘he cant afford to leave’! let go reconnect let come Picture this – the senior executive with the three premium cars in the garage, boat moored at the

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growing pains of leadership

Have you ever reflected on workplaces of your past – why did others misunderstand you so much? If that was the case, perhaps the reflection also uncovered another, yet likely more important turning point – that others don’t have the

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the emergence of leadership in front of my eyes…

In a recent round of senior executive discussions, we focussed on questioning assumptions.  Afterall, it is only when the practice of asking tough questions and answering them openly and honestly without fear of retribution is welcomed in today’s organisations that real change can

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