Coca Cola integrates change from the core
Nothing works in isolation for business, with change impacting both individuals and organisations enormously.
Coca-Cola appears to have invested in change from the core, reflecting and connecting to a point where the inner knowing and trust, business confidence and intelligence is strong! At that stage, seeing and feeling their future, they sought additional collaboration and innovation with all stakeholders to yield positive additional depth to the intended change. To define what they’re doing in ‘embers’ terminology, Coca-Cola is in a state of ‘becoming’ – the distinction is dispersing the old ‘them and us’ mentality. With large corporations like Coca-Cola developing a ‘connected’ leadership style, all will win from this increased confidence. It can’t help but impact the bottom line! Watch this space for more as we watch this dynamic case study of organisational transformation reveal itself.
As you view the video, keep the following questions in mind (asking the right questions can be a challenge today) – is there really anything ‘right or wrong’ anymore?
- How are your customer’s needs changing? What else has changed that is impacting currently?
- What does the future look like?
- What is the red-thread that’s holding your ‘be’, ‘do’ and ‘measure’ together?
- Where and how do you see opportunity for 21st century skills to be integrated into the executive support of your change?