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Home 2012 October

credibility is the foundation of leadership

Recently I was asked to delve deeper into ‘relationship building’ as a priority of an emotionally-intelligent corporate leader.  What amazed me was I unconsciously drew upon a model (four styles of interaction, by Ron Kaufman) that years before I had applied

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guest blog – building trust with a leap of faith

Leaders – Take a Leap of Faith to Build Trust When I was 17 years old, my family moved across the state to a new life. It was the first (and only) time my parents ever moved us. It was

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corporate embers goes on tour!

Last month I officially launched the corporate division of ‘embers of the world’ through my company ‘business en motion’ at The OpenThinking Day, an event for entrepreneurs and CEOs at the Sharjah (UAE) Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The next

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have you noticed?

I’m feeling it, are you?  I’m seeing it everywhere I look, are you? There is a change, yet this one is not as well documented as others.  I refer to the amount of people leaving the corporate world and moving into creating

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