A friend recently shared a corporate insight with me that bowled me over… it went like this!
‘Got nothing to do’? Those words still resonate in my ears, as strongly as the shock that jolted me from connection to disconnection in the office last week.
My manager had walked past my office and seen me staring out the window into the tropical palms below.
Unbeknownst to him, so much was happening ‘behind the scenes’! I was so connected to ‘something’ – I cant really say what it was, yet there were so many ideas simply flowing to me, and none of them seemed unlikely or impossible. Something deep within was simply handing me answers to our corporate situation, and it felt so right.
And the sad thing is – I cant get them back now either!
Her story lead me to these questions:
- What is the role of reflection in today’s business?
- What in your corporate environment encourages ‘flow’?
Feel free to share your experiences in the comment section!